
First, I want to say that I absolutely LOVE the fall. With blue skies, colorful leaves and crisp air, pumpkin picking and apple cider, nothing can beat this season!! And let's not forget Fall Fashion!!  WELCOME BOOTS!, dark nail polish, scarves, leather jackets, chunky belts, legging and uggs!

What we love:  
1.Sweaters with leggings and Boots or flats. THINK: Audrey Hepburn.

2. Long Maxi's paired with some cute boots (think cowboy) and a cropped jacket. (Leather or Jean) This lets you get more use out of those long flowing dresses and look super cute at the same time! Add long necklaces and bangles for a fuller, more "fall" feeling- because accessories will become heavier now. Think: Chunky, Darker, Moodier pieces that will offset the summer feeling of your maxi.

Photo Credz: To SNOB

4. Also time to whip out those oxfords and skinny jeans!!

Photo Creds/Sold By: Putonthatdress